Create a Blueprint from a Design TemplateΒΆ

Let’s create a Blueprint from a design Template called “My-Demo-Design”. We can verify that you’ve created this template using the DesignTemplates Session property:

>>> aos.DesignTemplates
   "url": "design/templates",
   "by_id": "id",
   "item-names": [
   "by_label": "display_name"

To create a Blueprint, you must have the design Template id value, along with the name of the design reference architecture. For this example, the reference architecture is called two_stage_l3clos:

>>> template = aos.DesignTemplates['My-Demo-Design']

Let’s create a Blueprint called “My-Pod-A” from this design. The first step is to create a blueprint item using the collection:

>>> blueprint = aos.Blueprints['My-POD-A']
>>> blueprint.exists

We can see that AOS-Server does not yet know about this Bluerpint because the exists property is False. The next step is to perform the create action:

>>> blueprint.create(, reference_arch='two_stage_l3clos')
>>> blueprint.exists

At this point the blueprint exists in the AOS-Server, and you can verify that via the UI, for example:
