
A Blueprint is a specific instance of an engineering Design Template that you build, deploy, and operate within your network. A typical use-case is the following:

  1. create a blueprint from a given design template
  2. build out the blueprint with specific parameter values
  3. assign specific devices to the blueprint
  4. deploy the blueprint onto the devices
  5. obtain operational values about the blueprint

This version of the aos-pyez library focuses the “build” aspects; meaning you can use the library to create a Blueprint from a design Template and provision the Blueprint parameters. Future versions of the aos-pyez library will expose the complete set of functionality. You can access all of the Blueprint functionality using the method described in the section Session.api.requests.

You can access the Blueprints via the aos-pyez library by using the Blueprints property of the Session:

>>> aos.Blueprints

More Features Soon!

Much of the Blueprint functionality from a deploy and operate phase is not currently exposed via the aos-pyez. Stay tuned for more enhancements in the coming releases. If you have any particular interests, please open a github issue. In the meantime, you can use the Session.api.requests technique illustrated above. You can find all of the AOS-Server API information directly from the UI:
