
This section will guide you through the process of creating a management session with the AOS-Server and performing a few basic interactions.

Let’s start with creating a session:

>>> from apstra.aosom.session import Session
>>> aos = Session('', user='admin', passwd='admin')
>>> aos.login()

The first parameter is the AOS-server IP address or hostname. The remaining key/value arguments are documented in the API reference section. The user and passwd both default to admin if not provided.

The login() method will make the request to authenticate a login and provide back a session token. If for any reason the login attempt fails, an exception will be raised. See Session.login() for details. You can verify the login session information by examinging the Session.session.

The value of the aos.session value looks like:

>>> aos.session
{'port': 8888,
 'server': 'aos-server',
 'token': u'eyJhbGci<~snip~>MTUiMP0skQ'}

The Session then allows you to access other API features. These features are generally a collection of similar items. These features are defined within the Session.ModuleCatalog.

['Blueprints', 'IpPools', 'DesignTemplates', 'ExternalRouters',
 'AsnPools', 'RackTypes', 'LogicalDevices', 'Devices', 'LogicalDeviceMaps']
  • The Devices feature allows you to access the Device-Manager features; i.e. access inventory management and information about the devices being managed by AOS.
  • The AsnPools, IpPools, and ExternalRouters are resources that you provide to AOS so that they can be assigned and used to services that you define within AOS - aka “Blueprints”.
  • The DesignTemplates, LogicalDevices, LogicalDevicesMaps, and RackTypes are all design elements. You use these design elements to define your Blueprint services.
  • Finally the Blueprints are the network services that you are managing with AOS.

To access any of these, simply use the name as an attribute of the aos Session. By way of example, here is how you can access the devices under management, and display the Management-IpAddr, Serial-Number, Model as it is known to AOS, and the OS/version information:

>>> for dev in aos.Devices:
...    dev_facts = dev.value['facts']
...    print dev_facts['mgmt_ipaddr'], dev_facts['serial_number'], dev_facts['aos_hcl_model'], dev_facts['os_version'] 08002737C2C1 Cumulus_VX 3.1.1 080027A71AE6 Arista_vEOS 4.16.6M 0800277025C8 Cumulus_VX 3.1.1 080027AC6320 Cumulus_VX 3.1.1 08002763CBDC Cumulus_VX 3.1.1